Diasneyland Paris, June 2009

In June 2009 we took our grandchildren Jack (9), Drew (6) and Riley (5) to Disney, Paris by Eurostar for a three day break.  This was our first trip by Eurostar and we had managed to get a deal including First Class travel and accommodation in the Explorer's Hotel.  First class travel from Ashford directly into the Park was very relaxing and the hotel was clean, functional with good food and a decent swimming pool, especially for the kids.  Having never been to Disney Florida I had nothing to compare with the Paris offering but everything was fairly close to hand and didn't involve too much walking.  Food was expensive in the Park but I had been warned to expect this.  We enjoyed the theme park rides many of which are no longer there (in 2022) and the parade at the end of the day was well done.  It's taken me over 12 years to put this page together and our grandchildren are now 22, 19 & 17 and it is still the only occasion that we have been to Disney Paris.  Maybe one day we will take our great-grandchildren instead.

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