"Our African Safari in Kenya"
'The Wilderbeest Migration'
'To the Serengeti and back'

Picnic in the bush

On a charge

Massing in their thousands

Waiting to cross

On the edge

Lets go

This is what they are afraid of

Swim like mad chaps


Relaxing after a hard day

The Maasai caberet

Father and son

The night club

The jumping dance


Last slide in the sequence
The Bi-annual Migration, 3rd Sep 2007

After a busy day involving a balloon ride and a visit to the Maasai village, Simon took us for a bush picnic and for our first sight of the wildebeest migration across the river into Tanzania.  The annual migration of over two million wildebeest, zebras and gazelles moving from the Serengeti and Maasai Mara and back again in search of green pasture has been described as one of the greatest wonders of the natural world.  We were fortunate enough to be there at the right time and watched in awe as thousands of mainly wildebeest and a few zebras thundered across the scrubland towards the river where they anxiously looked for a safe way across.  On one occasion, they were about to go when they were spooked by Jane and Sue making too much noise much to Simon's amusement.  With crocodiles waiting on the banks this is truly a dangerous time and we were told that the zebras make the decision as to when and where to cross.  Once the zebras make this decision, the wildebeest follow blindly, like lemmings, and inevitably a few wildebeest get taken by the crocs.  We saw one wildebeest get taken downstream but clearly with the numbers crossing this makes very little difference overall and is all part of the natural ecosystem.

After a very busy day of safaris we returned to the camp for our evening meal and entertainment provided by visiting Maasai dancers who came with their families to demonstrate traditional dancing including the 'jumping' dance.

All in all a fantastic day.